Discount Item on Orders Over X
Compatible with EE versions | 3, 4 and 5 |
This discount plugin allows you to offer a discount on one or more items if the customer has already got items over a set value in their basket. So for example you might say that if your customer spends over £100 they will get a free toaster or a free bicycle pump.
- Set the minimum amount that must be in the basket for the discount to be triggered
- Set which product ID is valid to get the discount, or optionally a comma separated list of valid products that will be discounted
- Set the percentage that should be discounted from the discountable ID. e.g. 100 if you want them to get the item for free.
- Optional: Set the maximum number of items that can be discounted in the basket. Maybe you want a choice of discountable items but would only like to discount one per transaction?
- Download
Copy Cartthrob_discount_item_on_orders_over_x.php into your system/expressionengine/third_party/cartthrob/cartthrob/plugins/discount directory
Copy Cartthrob_discount_item_on_orders_over_x_lang.php intto your system/expressionengine/third_party/cartthrob/language/english directory
Download Discount item on orders over X
(zip archive)